The New Home of Betting Systems?
I promised you some changes this year, dear reader, and they’re afoot already. In fact, this isn’t really a ‘breaking news’ change as such but rather the announcement of something that’s been in the pipeline for eighteen months!
Let me explain…
There are one or two other websites out there that I’ve always been a fan of. And, as someone who’s a bit of a virtual ‘loud mouth’ in our community, I’ve got to know a fair few of the people behind the sites as well in my four and half years online. (Is it really that long?!)
Two of the chaps I really liked and respected were Craig and Paul at In fact, I had the pleasure of working with Paul on a project back in September 2009. We put our heads together on a project called Horse Racing Experts, which was (and still is) a great resource for people who want to learn more about building their own profitable racing systems.
Paul is a much (much!) better website techie than me, and he did all the ‘heavy lifting’ while I added a lot of the words. To further give him his due, he’s actually a better all-rounder than me too, given that he’s no slouch when it comes to the old prose either.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, we talked about his (OBE) site and I mentioned that I noticed there wasn’t much going on there. He said he and Craig weren’t really doing anything with it – something about it being ‘of its time’ or some such.
Well, as I said, I’d really been impressed by what the guys had done with OBE, so I asked if they’d be interested in selling the site. After a few beers, the deal was done. That was way back in October or November 2009, and it gave me a problem…
I actually had no idea what to do with the site! I was busy with Geegeez (of course), and my Laying System, and HorseRacingExperts, and had come on stream… and I was helping out a few friends, like Gavin with TrainerTrackStats… and I was coaching my students who were setting off with their own products… and the Geegeez Racing Club… and, naturally, replying to emails and comments and so on. So I was a little pushed for time. Ahem.
Roll the clock forward a year or so, and I *finally* got round to recuiting someone to help me in the ethereal office – me in my pants here, and my new guy in his pants somewhere else 😉
If that image hasn’t put you right off (!), I’ll continue. The new guy, another Paul – seems our world is full of Matt’s and Paul’s – has been a massive help to me and is taking on more and more of the operational ‘stuff’ that gets done here at Geegeez Towers on a daily basis. Which means… I’ve *at last* got to do something with OBE.
Drumroll please…. Introducing the ‘New and Improved’….
The site has had a lick of paint, and a tweak here and there, but regular visitors to Geegeez will find the layout familiar enough.
Now at this point, you may be thinking one of a number of things. Those internet die-hards who have been around since the early days (circa 2007!) may well be misty-eyed and nostalgic for the return of an old favourite like OBE.
Newer kids on the inter-block might be thinking that the worldwide webbie needs another betting system review site like Google needs another dollar.
Geegeez purists might be thinking that the system review content here may be diluted somewhat.
And… to some degree, you’ll all be right. You see, going forwards, it’s my intention to make the core betting system review focus of my little (our little) portfolio,
It’s an established system review site, with real credibility, and it is – of course – my intention to run it in the same spirit as its previous owners. There will however be one important change: the reviews will be totally independent, and undertaken by fellow members of the community.
The site comes with my personal guarantee of honesty and fairness in its review content, and reviewers receive nothing for their time and effort except for the system they review and the gratitude of me and fellow visitors. So you can be assured that you’re reading the Gospel according to the masses.
And, whilst it’s fun enough and some people like it, I won’t be going down the route of employing ‘constabulary vocabulary’ or ‘court jargon’. It’ll be plain and simple: trials, reviews, and good, bad or neutral ratings. I’m a meat and two veg man at heart. Hope that’s ok. 🙂
As for Geegeez, some reviews will continue on the site, but its core focus will shift slightly more towards the actual horse racing and betting side of things. More race previews, more attempted ante-post coups, more of my bluster on the racing world at large, more guest posts, more racing news, and the same healthy dollop of your comments and contributions.
In this way, I hope to please more of the people more of the time. Those that are only or mainly interested in the betting system review side of things can potter on over to OBE and get your fill. Those who prefer reading about what’s happening in the wonderful world of wacing will still find a tasty morsel or three here on Geegeez.
And I will still occasionally feature reviews here, just as there will occasionally be features on OBE.
So… if you’re into betting systems and want to see what’s happening in that space, click here to head over to the new home of betting system reviews. There’s one of those poppy-up-type-devices that I love (and I imagine you detest) just begging for your online ‘signature’, or email address as you’d call it.
Pop it in there if you’d like to, and you’ll be signed up to get my weekly update email, and some freebie betting systems along the way. [Note, if you’re already subscribed to Geegeez, you will have the initial freebie report, so please don’t write in… I know! ;)]
I hope that all makes sense and seems reasonable. From day one, system reviews were an integral part of NagNagNag when I wrote that, and so they have been on Geegeez subsequently. They will retain their core place in the Geegeez mini-folio, albeit at a new home at, and will free up a little space here for more horse racing and betting related content on
Do leave a comment and let me know what you think, as I’m always interested in your feedback.
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