Horse Profiles Flat 2011 Review

Horse Profiles 2011

Horse Profiles 2011

Following on from my Easter Sunday special, I want to tell you a bit more about a betting service that has hit the ground running. And I’m not in the slightest bit surprised. The reason I’m not surprised is because it’s produced by the stats man David Peat – a guy whose devotion to horse racing research is unparalleled.

His service, Horse Profiles for the Flat 2011, is made up of a number of profit-pulling pieces, as follows:

– The Horse Profiles themselves, this season comprising a virtual A-Z of horses to follow (from Aaim To Prosper to Yaa Wayl, in fact, so no ‘Z’ in this A-Z!)

– A Flat Trainers report, similar to the much missed Trainer Flat Stats. As you may know, I haven’t produced that for the past three seasons, and this guide takes my old concept and runs nicely with it.

– Three additional trainer reports – Favourites By Track; Favourites By Track and Jockey; Trainers using Claiming (Apprentice) Jockeys. These are real insights into when trainers’ runners are ‘expected’. The apprentice one is especially useful as these horses tend to get sent off longer prices than they ought to due to the perceived inexperience of the riders…

– EIGHT flat racing systems (!), some for backers, some for layers.

– A daily update service throughout the entire flat season (i.e. to mid-November) where the day’s positive and negative runners (and trainers) are highlighted along with some commentary as to why.

– A weekly review which aims to identify additional horses that are developing a specific winning profile, based on what they did that week allied to their existing past performances. These are generally for the Class 2 or higher contests only.

– Full results analysis.

– And some additional ‘goodness’ in the ‘Freebies’ section.

Your first 30 days for just £1

>>Check out David’s Website here…<<

NOTE: The ‘buy’ links are ‘hidden’ down the page. Scroll down if you’d like to grab a copy!

Phew! That’s a lot of stuff! And, although I’m slightly biased, I think Horse Profiles is both excellent and excellent value. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

First, let me tell you why I think it’s excellent… I think Horse Profiles is excellent because it was the core element of Flat Racing Profiles that I released two seasons ago. That little manual (which had a torrid month of March, hence why David sensibly launched in April this year!) still made 45 points from barely as many bets last season. Without March, it would have been nearer 55.

In other words, if you’d stuck twenty quid on each selection, you’d have made £900 or so, from just a handful of bets.

It will come as no surprise that David’s at it again with, as I write, winners at 6/4 (very first bet!) 11/10, evens, 11/4 and 2/1 with just one horse beaten so far (Sunday evening when I write this), and that one was 3rd at 2/1. ;-)

Now I want to say a few words on why this is excellent value.

The manuals alone are waaaay better than the ‘silver bullet’ dross out there (obviously!). In fact, comparing them is mildly offensive to David’s efforts in pulling together this research in an extremely user-friendly format.

Two years ago, he and I sold that same service (less the trainer element) as Flat Racing Profiles, for £97 for the season, which was in itself the best value to be had.

The inclusion of the daily updates is something that most people would charge a monthly subscription for – probably somewhere between £20 and £30 – and reasonably so, given the legwork associated with going through the books and finding the day’s players (actually, it’s more akin to fingerwork, or eyework, but there don’t seem to be words in the dictionary for that – I like making words up!)

Anyway, I slightly digress and definitely am using too many words to say that, at £47 for the whole season all in, David’s guides and daily selection service are the real deal, and a real steal.

It’s one of the very few services in my flat betting portfolio (after the last three seasons, how could it not be?!), and in my opinion it should be in yours too.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say, David is also an absolutely top man, living the dream in France – cutting grass by day (occasionally, the slacker!) and poring over the horses by night. I’ve been to his place and I’ve got to tell you, he’s got this ‘life’ mallarkey sewn up!

Bottom line: You get a lot of top class info for not a lot of money here. So you can enjoy it for ages without having to shell out again (and again… and again).

With another Bank Holiday weekend coming up, if you’ve got some free time, take my advice and at least grab the freebie (it’s on the same page as the full product option), if not the full season’s offering.

At £47, he could have charged that for the ‘freebies’ alone and had few complaints. [Note, I know I’m sad like that, but I reckon he’s done a stellar job here in ‘moving the free line’. If you don’t know what that means, just grab the free stuff and you’ll see…]

>>Check out David’s Website here…<<

NOTE: The ‘buy’ links are ‘hidden’ down the page. Scroll down if you’d like to grab a copy! 😀

Enough! If you’re serious about a portfolio approach to the flat season, you need this in your corner.


Your first 30 days for just £1
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