Friday Round Up

Camelot and Joseph are not done yet this season...
A quick round up post today, dear reader, to appraise you of all that’s happening in the near future, and happened in the recent past.
Let’s start with the Oaks and Derby, the middle distance Classics, which will be run next week. Both have strong favourites in the shape of Maybe (well backed into as short as 5/2) and Camelot (as short as 8/11), and it’s easy to see why.
So when the guys at Setantabet approached me asking if I could promote them, I asked for a very special offer. To be honest, I thought I was being a bit cheeky, and didn’t expect them to be able to do much. But nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say.
Well, Niall, my man there, has played a blinder!
He’s offering an exclusive bet to geegeez readers only, which is fully 25% bigger than the best odds available anywhere else.
The wager? How about Maybe (strong Oaks favourite) and Camelot (odds on Derby favourite) in a double priced at… 8/1?!
It’s hard to see either of them being very far away, and that price is – quite simply – a standout.
So why would they offer it? Well, that too is simple. They’re a fairly new bookie online, although they’ve been on the high street forever. And they want more people to open an account and bet with them.
So they’re making what’s known as a ‘loss leader’ offer. It essentially means they recognize there’s a strong possibility of, excuse me, having their pants pulled down on this; but they’re prepared to play the long game.
That’s great news for us, and I’ve already wagered the maximum £50 on the double. (By the way, it’s non runner no bet as well, so if one of them doesn’t run, you’ll get your stakes back).
The odds for this double with Ladbrokes are 5/1. With Hills, you can get 11/2. Best offer anywhere is 13/2 with sportingbet.
But here you get EIGHT to ONE!
As you can probably tell by the meal I’ve made of this, I’m chuffed that Setantabet have been so accommodating.
Obviously, they’re going to rack up some hefty liabilities on this. I mean, if we collectively stake ten grand (that’s only 200 people staking the maximum, and there will be about 3500 people reading this between now and Sunday evening), they’ll stand to lose £80,000. Which will probably hurt. 😉
Anyway, here’s how to get involved. If you’ve already got a Setantabet account, just go straight to step 2 in the below and help yourself.
Otherwise, this is the 1-2-3:
1. Sign up here. Oh yes, did I mention new customers will also get a £20 matched bet (i.e. bet £20, get £20)?!
£20 Free Bet for All New Customers
2. Then click here for the special bet.
3. Bet
Like I say, they’ll try and stand this until at least the end of the weekend, but obviously they could get pretty well exposed here. So if you like the ‘jollies’ in the Oaks and Derby, get on pronto!
Onwards, and a bit of flute-tooting if I may…
Running a paid betting service is a tough job. At least, if you have a conscience, it is. Many people don’t realise how stressed I get when my services are having a tough time, and how personally I take it when I know people are losing money as a consequence.
So it’s fantastic to be able to report – for today at least! – that ALL of my services are in front.
Laying System is up to the tune of around 130 points since inception, and there are still a few places up for grabs. I’ve actually opened up another 25, above the 50 I initially set aside. These will be gone before the weekend is out, so if you intended to trial this, now is the time to get in.
Here’s a link, and this will be the last time I mention it, so please be advised!
Betfolio, after a difficult start (isn’t it always the way?), has righted the ship, clawed back all of the early deficit and gone in front to the tune of 20 points or so since its March launch. Still a little behind track but, given the start we had, that’s a good recovery, all right.
Betfolio is off the market, and I doubt I’ll reopen this year, though there may be a ‘Betfolio 2.0(13)’ next year. To be honest, this is mainly the way I bet personally, so why not earn a few quid for sharing that approach in real time.
Those who kept the faith are being rewarded (and, sincerely, thank you for that. I really appreciate it.)
Winning Trainers, also known as Super Trainers, and the Dirty Two Dozen, also goes well. After a very tough run between February and April, I’m pleased to report a profit of around 45 points at time of writing. (6/1 winner today already).
Winning Trainers is still available, and you can take a look if you’d like, here:
Even Ready2Win, the black sheep of my commercial systems portfolio, has returned to profit. Only a couple of points, and certainly nothing to crow about, but into the black and looking to kick on from there. That too is not available.
But of course, it’s not just the commercial portfolio that has a rosy glow right now. The featured tipping on geegeez is also going great guns.
Last week, Mal mentioned a trainer at Ludlow who hit a 66/1 winner, from just two runners that night. That was in his Well I Declare column.
Not to be outdone, Andy chimed in with a 25/1 winner at Newbury. He actually pointed to it twice! Firstly, in his regular Thursday piece, Trainer Stats, and then in his Saturday TV Trends.
Good work chaps. No, in fact, excellent work chaps!
And, in the face of this impossibly stiff competition, Chris and I have been trying to raise our Stat of the Day game. After our most difficult month so far, it looks like yesterday’s 12/1 winner, Garleton (you beauty!), may get us out in front for May after all. That’s incredible really, but testament to the core value principles of SotD.
Now then, on the subject of that, I know that some of you may be frustrated that you missed last week’s winners. Perhaps you read the weekly Well I Declare or Trainer Stats features, but then forgot about what you’d read.
Well, Chris and I have decided to help out a bit here (at least, we hope we’re helping out). From next week (Tuesday), we’re going to break the Well I Declare and Trainer Stats weekly content into a daily digest, giving you even more reasons to visit your #1 independent racing and betting website. 😀
They’ll be in the normal ‘middle bit’ where all the posts are, along with the news items from Ian. They should hopefully also appear in the ‘Horse Racing Blog’ dropdown in the main menu, but only from next week.
Don’t worry, we’ll mention it nearer the time!
And finally on this subject, Steven’s Fleet Lines (predominantly) trading piece is still running and you can click onto it from the top right of the home page. And we’ve welcomed Ray Mondo and his Tortoise and Hare long odds service.
Both of these two pieces appear as a sort of ‘flavour of the month’, and we’ll see how much you like them before deciding on whether to make either or both a regular feature. So, if you like them, leave the guys a comment. It’s a lonely old place out here in cyberspace! And they really do appreciate your feedback.
And now, as they say, for something completely different. About a week ago, perhaps a bit more, I mentioned that I was working with a well known name in the world of forex (currency spread betting) to bring a brilliant new service to market.
Well, he and I are now ready to take on a few ‘beta testers’. Experience is not necessary, as it’s our intention to trial the service with a cross-section of knowledge on the subject.
We only need six more people. So, to be considered, please email your name and level of forex experience (if any) to
We’ll be in touch will all of you, whether you’ve been selected or not, next weekend or just after.
I’m very excited about this project, and I think you will be too. Some of you will get to try out for now’t!
And finally, some big news (for me, at least) hidden in this last snippet.
I will be away next week from Monday to Thursday – back in time to head to Epsom on Friday, natch! – with Mrs Matt.
We’re heading to the beautiful Lake Bled in Slovenia and some former Soviet Bloc opulence at a rather grand pad there. Bled looks absolutely stunning – see image – and we’re very much looking forward to a couple of days downtime.
The main reason is that Mrs Matt is five months pregnant with Matt Jr. who, you’ll be delighted to learn, will have a more sensible name than that cometh the hour. 🙂
So, please bear with me if I’m a bit slower than usual feeding back, and a bit less active in blogging. But do remember that there’s stacks coming your way in my absence next week, including daily ‘bite size’ Well I Declare and Trainer Stats items.
And if you’ve any good ideas for a boy’s name, leave me a comment!!
[I really like Bruno and Leonardo, but Mrs Matt has come up with Stanley and Oliver… and she didn’t even realise why I found that funny!! Bless her.]
That’s all for this round up post. Do get stuck into Setantabet’s generosity. It’s unlikely to last too long, and really is standout value if you fancy those two, or even if you fancy one and respect the chance of the other.
1. Sign up here. Oh yes, did I mention new customers will also get a £20 matched bet (i.e. bet £20, get £20)?!
£20 Free Bet for All New Customers
2. Then click here for the special bet.
3. Bet
Have a great weekend, and maybe tell your friends about geegeez. We’re always keen to welcome new subscribers. 🙂
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