Daily Stat Pack: 8th April 2013

Daily Stat Pack: 8th April

Daily Stat Pack: 8th April

Good Morning and welcome to a new week of opportunities, starting with the three meetings at Kelso, Kempton and Wolverhampton on…

MONDAY 08/04:



Number of races at Kelso: 21

Favourite stats: 6 (28.6%–includes joint and co favourites)

Odds on ratio: 3/8 (37.5%)


Trainers of winners at Kelso in 2013:

3–Nicky Richards (7/4-3/1-5/2)

3–Sue Smith (8/11*-16/1-Evs*)

2–Donald McCain (6/1 & 4/1)

2–J. Walton (10/1 & 10/11*)

1–George Bewley (8/1)

1–Stuart Coltherd (9/4)

1–Tristram Davidson (7/2)

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1–Brian Ellison (9/4)

1–James Ewart (5/4*)

1–Chris Grant (5/1)

1–Ann Hamilton (11/4**)

1–Ferdy Murphy (5/2)

1–John O’Shea (11/4)

1–John Wade (20/1)

1–Tim Walford (8/11*)

19/21 winners to date have scored at odds of 10/1 or less (seventeen at a top price of 6/1).


Trainers of beaten favourites:

3–D. McCain (Evs-1/4-11/8)

2–David Pipe (10/11 & 11/10)

1–Nick Alexander (11/4**)

1–Kim Bailey (4/5)

1–Fred Hutsby (2/1)

1–Phil Kirby (9/2***)

1–Karen McLintock (9/4)

1–B. Murtagh (9/2***)

1–Keith Reveley (2/1)

1–Nicky Richards (4/5)

1–Miss P. Robson (7/4)

1–Oliver Sherwood (1/2)

1–J. Wade (9/2***)

1–J. Walton (2/1)

1–A.C. Whillans (2/1)



Favourites boast a 45% record in non handicap three-year-old events during the five-year study period.  348 relevant events have been run during the period whereby the slight (twelve point) level stake loss is not the worst record you will find at the Sunbury circuit.



Two of the seven races produced successful favourites on the Monday meeting after the Grand National twelve months ago.  The biggest priced winner on the card was a 10/1 chance, whilst Jamie Spencer rode a 26/1 double on the day.

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