SotD Update, 20th to 25th November 2017

A quick fire midweek double was very welcome here for a number of reasons this week. It got me off the cold list removing the monkey from my back, it finally converted the high percentage of placers into a couple of winners and probably most importantly it meant we had our first profitable week for a while.

Of, course the 3.25pts we made over the week only dents the prior November losses and it’s still highly likely we’ll make a loss on the month as a whole, but (i) it gave us a 54.1% return on stakes for the week and (ii) maintained my slim hopes of getting out of the month unscathed.

It’s a tall order, but I think I’m going to need 3 winners next week. Is it likely to happen? NO. Am I going for it? HELL YEAH as our “friends” across the pond might say.

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Selections & Results : 20/11/17 to 25/11/17 :

20/11 : Chef D’Equipe @ 9/4 BOG 6th at 15/8
21/11 : Short Work @ 7/2 BOG 8th at 11/2
22/11 : Roman Spinner @ 7/2 BOG WON at 9/2
23/11 : Cucklington @ 11/4 BOG WON at 13/8
24/11 : Handsome Bob @ 3/1 BOG 4th at 15/8
25/11 : Berryessa @ 3/1 BOG 5th at 6/4

20/11/17 to 25/11/17 :
2 winning bets from 6 = 33.33% SR
P/L: +3.25pts

November 2017:
3 winners from 21 = 14.29% SR
P/L: -8.35pts
ROI = -39.76%

2017 so far:
75 winners from 269 = 27.88% SR
P/L: +90.15pts
ROI = +33.51%

515 winners from 1860 = 27.69% S.R
P/L: +464.87pts
ROI: +24.99%

P.S. The full month by month SotD story can be found right here.
P.P.S The review of SotD’s 2012 performance is here.

Whilst the details for 2013 are now online here.
And the figures for 2014 are now available here.

Our review of 2015 can be found right here
Whilst 2016’s details are right here

Stat of the Day is just one component of the excellent package available to all Geegeez Gold Members, so why not take your £1, 30-day trial right now?

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